SUC Report Cards 2019: Yasaswi Thota

As of the First Semester 2019-20, the Cultural Secretary (Girls) has fulfilled 3/7 of her manifesto points, while 4/7 are in progress. You can find her original manifesto here.


The Cultural Secretary has started off by forming a team consisting of Hostel Representatives from 1st and 2nd year which would update general body about competitions, cultural events, and internships offered in and around Hyderabad. She will also arrange transportation if there is a tremendous response for any cultural event. The team has prepared a list which she will circulate amongst the general body through public and social media platforms.


In her manifesto, the Cultural Secretary had promised to provide for judging criteria along with the induction notice for clubs. The idea was to provide the guidelines beforehand on what the clubs were looking for, hence giving the enthusiasts more time to prepare efficiently. However, its implementation hasn’t been as simple for several technical reasons although a few clubs have managed to implement this.

Seeing from their perspective, she now realizes that too many guidelines can even be overwhelming for the general body. She doesn’t want people to be caught up in technicalities and lose interest in the club itself. She hopes to find a middle ground by next semester such that she can assist enthusiasts without deterring the participation in the inductions. She has been in talks with few of the performing clubs to include more specific guidelines in their second-round of induction notice.    


A talent show is a perfect opportunity to give the stage to students who are gifted with unique and unconventional talent which is not undertaken by any club or department. While a talent show has always been a part of the second round of Mr./Ms. Fresher competition during Fervour, this year it was left open to the general public to participate after the contestants had finished performing. 

Its second rendition was organized for the entire general body during moonlight dinner and was met with an overwhelming response.  


The Cultural Secretary has arranged for professional instrument lessons, with the same company which was called last year, for the next semester with help from several juniors. Based on the response from the general body on the poll she had posted on Shoutbox, lessons for one instrument (guitar, violin or keyboard) would be taken up by the company. Similar generic workshops will also be organized based on the effectiveness of these classes as well as the response by the general body.  (this plan was ideated and implemented for the first time by then General Secretary Suraj Thotakura).


Performing on a public platform outside of campus is a good way to boost the club’s confidence as well as line up new avenues for the members. So far Comedy Club is alone in line to perform off-campus.       

Additionally, more clubs are encouraged to organize regionals for Pearl. This would provide a boost to pearl publicity and also provide a platform for club members to perform their set.   


The Cultural Secretary is planning Clubbies Awards under three categories namely; Performing Clubs, Non-Performing Clubs, and Literary Clubs. She has informed the clubs about the awards and asked them to work accordingly for it. The Cultural Secretaries make sure to check the workshops and competitions conducted by the clubs and would base the awards on the quality of these events and participation in the same. For performing clubs, the performances during Dance, Music, Drama and Comedy Nights would also be considered. She is planning to have these awards after Pearl so as to also include the club’s performance during the cultural fest.


The regional associations have worked very hard throughout the year and the Cultural Secretary looks forward to showcasing their work through the magazine. It will be released online in the next semester.  



The Cultural Secretary said that she tried to make Fervour more than just one night (Freshers' Night), and a week long series of events instead. A post by the BITS Hyderabad Student Union on Facebook suggests that the plans might have been successful to some extent, in addition to the organisation of a Talent Hunt (which was discussed above). The post lists out workshops and events conducted by various clubs, as well as induction dates. While most of these events probably were conducted the last few years as well, they were branded and organised as Fervour Week this time. In response to the recent opinion editorial on Fervour by two first yearites, Yasaswi Thota emphasized the fact that Fervour was not just a one-night event, that none of the participants were uncomfortable or coerced (to the best of her knowledge) and that the article was not representative of all first years. (read the article and her entire statement in this link).


For the first time, Formal Inaug and a rapper’s performance was organized for Sanskriti. Sadly, logistical delays in these two events amounted to a level that at one point, performances were almost cancelled. Yashaswi Thota said that she realized that inviting rappers was not a good idea, mainly because in Sanskriti, people come watch their friends perform, and the rappers were not able to connect with the audience as well as the Cultural Secretary had hoped they would. 


Renaissance 2019, the Inter-Bhavan Cultural Competitions, was organized this year after a gap of one year. Renaissance was conducted the last time in 2017 Semester 1, but did not happen in 2018.


While Mr and Ms Pearl has been an integral part of Pearl, it is rarely participated in by Non-BITSians. The event is highly under-publicized, considering that most of the participants in Pearl who come for various competitions, already have the talent set required for Mr and Ms Pearl. To publicize the event, separate regionals for it would be conducted during the winter break with help from DePP.


Yashaswi Thota said that she intends to revive Shangrila next semester. Shangrila is the combination of Dance, Music and Dramatics Nights, all clubbed together in three consecutive days. The last time the Shangrila was organised this way was in November 2016. While music, dance and dramatics nights happened regularly over last two years as well, they were held on different, non-consecutive days spaced out throughout the semester. The Cultural Secretaries plans to revive the three-day Shangrila and also add an extra day for non-performing clubs to showcase their work.