Freshmen Expectations: ATMOS 2017

Esha Gadia: Well it's a tech fest, so obviously lots of coding.

Swain Bishmaya: Thrill, enjoyment and no studies.

Manish: Many food stalls.

Prateek Hiranandani: Pro-shows 🙈

Krishan Agarwal: I’m really interested in that robot
fight thing... And I think Atmos gives a stage to everyone to show
their talents.. And pre Atmos gives other talents a stage to perform so
looking forward to work the hell out for shades work during pre atmos

Tabitha Grace: Nothing, really. Never been to a fest before.

Sravanthi Uppala: I actually don't have a clear idea about Atmos, like how to participate. Is something to be paid?

Vaishnavi Ramapalli: Fun, entertainment and a bit of experience.

Aman Taneja: A lot of technical and non technical events,with participation from colleges all over India.

Nikhil Bhasin: I expect the tech events to be lit,
the competitions to be dope and the pro shows to be rave. Looking
forward to hearing the guest speaker's talks.. Should be really

Shreya Agarwal: Arre bas masti ho jaaye... aur kya chahiye!

Simran Sahni: Decent food, and much technical
learning. So to be in that..l’ll have to put much efforts to be a pro
and understand robotics and coding.

Archita: A lot of memories 😊😊❤❤!!

Jyothirmai: Awesome pro show. 😜

Karnica: Good technical stuff from Axiom, Deciphers.

Saumya Gangrade: Fun with friends, knowing new
people, experience of first fest of college, to learn more about my
branch and other branches, want to enjoy as this is the first function
after a long time (reason: JEE).

Neil Shah: I expect to see how BPHC interacts with the world outside for the first time, and what they think of us.

Vinny Chugh: Many technical competitions.

Aditya Srinivasan: I expect a huge footfall and people coming from different parts of India coming to attend lot of fun events to participate in.

Ishita: Fun.

Rohit Dwivedula: First off, the theme - Cyberpunk ("A Neon Dystopia") sounds really
cool! I am expecting the campus to undergo a wild transition to look
like a tech-controlled future with no personal freedom - maybe there'll
be telescreens (like those of 1984)? Or maybe models of the huge
fire-hoses from Fahrenheit 451? Or maybe a view of the planet as seen in
HGW's Time Machine. On another unrelated side, now that Rs. 1200 is
being cut from everyone's mess balance (possibly against the will of a
significant %age of people on campus) I expect ATMOS to be
highly profitable this year, without any sort of loss happening. Last
year, ATMOS could net a profit of Rs.10 lakh; this year they have a paid
pro-show (even for BPHCians), more sponsorship + cash we saved - so
even doubling the profit could be an expectation a reasonable person
could have. Other than this, a main expectation I have of ATMOS is
hospitality - loads of people will be on campus to experience a BITSian
fest - I hope all of us are gracious enough hosts and uphold the ideals
of Athiti Devo Bhava to the fullest extent. And finally..... FOOD! I
hope this year's ATMOS has way more options for food and eating than
previous ones - I'm already tired of the mess food. I hope ATMOS 2K17 to
be a fun-filled, exhilarating, seventy-two hours of non-stop fun and
enjoyment for all tech geeks.

Siva: Bright green tubelights. 🤦🤦

Sai Sharath Chandra: To be frank this is the first
time I am going to a technical fest - I am generally not so interested
in technology so I hope this brings up something in me.

Shreyansh: It would be a very exciting, amazing, and
obviously unforgettable. We would enjoy our heart out there and feel
each and every moment to its fullest. All the events, competitions,
conferences etc. would be highly attractive, thus leading to rise in
footfall for our cultural fest ATMOS 2k17.

Akash Reddy : Alcohol AFTER PARTY! 😂😂😂

Shreya Singh: DJ nights! 😍

Utsav Kaushal: Since it is a tech fest i definitely
expect some mind boggling technical exhibitions. Apart from that I
expect some contests for touch typing, coding etc. Guidance in the topic
of "how to set up and manage an e-commerce company" would also be

Vishnu Pillai: I expect most of the college to participate and that it becomes one of the biggest fests in India!

Yasaswi Thota: An increased bond towards our new
college and friends!!! We will become more close with our friends and
truly become BITsians by the end of Atmos! It's our first fest and it's
going to one of the most memorable times in college!!!

Neal Menon: It's my first fest. I hope to have the best time with my friends!

Srinitesh: No expectations, just waiting for it !

Shivali Ratra: I feel it's gonna be a great
experience, a lot of fun, meeting new people - creative minds, seeing
them compete. Just can't wait for all this.Expectations are very high
because it's our first fest in campus.

Sudarshan: Drones flying in the skies, cars racing
at our feet, coders stuck to laptop screens, all while munching yummy
food from food stalls.