New Year, New Me

Undoubtedly the new version of you has decided to be fitter this
2018. January always sees a heavy influx of people in the gym. It is no
secret that a lot of these people break their resolution in the first
month itself. The reason for this lack of motivation to continue is
mainly the excuses they make to convince themselves not to go. The only
way to get past this is to immediately squash whatever excuse you have.
The very thought of leading a healthy lifestyle may seem daunting and
difficult, that’s why we are here to help keep that resolution of yours.

Firstly get enough sleep, ideally seven hours. This may seem to be
the most basic of all suggestions but there is a reason it is told so
many times. The reason is that things like sleep deprivation, low blood
sugar lead to low willpower which leads to giving into those dangerous

Secondly, eat healthily. That means no more loaded fries at Yummpys,
pizzas at Bits n Bytes and volcanoes at Chai Coffee Company.

Thirdly, possibly the important of all the suggestions would be to
avoid stress. This may seem hard keeping in mind all of the things
happening on campus. It could your cumulative grade point average or it
could be that you are overthinking the outcomes of every situation
possible. Mental peace is of paramount importance and staying mentally
fit is just as important as being physically fit. This mental fitness
can be achieved by regularly practicing Yoga and Meditation. The basic
plan that every person who is going to start meditating would be to
start doing it everyday right in the morning after waking up for a
minimum of 15 minutes. All of this may seem difficult but staying
healthy requires effort and sacrifice.

Cheers to a fitter 2018!


Article by Vamsi Nallapareddy.